46 Oak Street
The original part of this house was probably built in the 1840s and at that time was located at what is now 79 Center Street. In 1889, James Colt purchased the lot at 70 Center Street, which then extended back to what is 46 Oak Street. Oak Street was just being opened about this time. Since he wished to erect a large house for his parents on Center Street, Mr. Colt moved this small house back to face on the new street. It was remodeled with Greek Revival style elements and purchased by M. Reed Scott in 1919. M. Reed Scott was the son of Allison, former publisher of the local newspaper, The Livingston Republican. After the death of his father in 1912 or 1913, he took over as publisher for a number of years. The Scotts later sold the property to Washington T. Erwin, a brother of the late Austin Erwin.