12 Elm Street
Peter Miller owned the property at 59 Second Street, in which this lot originally was included. The original part of the house was probably built in the mid-1850s since it appears on an 1858 map of the village but not on an 1852 map. In the 1860s the house was owned and occupied by Joseph and Ann Farnham. They sold it to Eleanor Patterson in 1868, and in 1874 she sold it to Daniel Alvord. In 1875 he was appointed street lamp lighter. Mrs. Alvord conducted a dressmaking business at their home on Elm Street. Mr. Alvord enlarged it considerably at an expense of about $600. In 1876 he sold it to Caroline and John Ryerss. Mrs. Ryerss died in 1878 and in 1892 the house was sold to George and Harriet Goode. Their residence was elsewhere and this house was probably rented until 1911 when it was sold to F. Adella Lang. Sometime later it was transferred to Charles Lang, and in 1942 became the property of the Home Owners Loan Corp. After that it saw six different owners until 1967, when it was purchased by Valentin and Susan Rabe.