51 North Street
The original part of this house is thought to have been built about 1856 by Lyman Turner as a tenant house. He and his wife, Martha, lived in the house at 26 Second Street. Martha P. Turner was the daughter of Samuel Lewis, who came to Livingston County in 1817 and learned the masons’ trade. He erected all of the brick buildings for the Wadsworths and other prominent founders.
Mr. Turner was prominent in village affairs for several years, serving as president of the village and later as Superintendent of the Poor House. After his death in 1864, this house was sold in 1871 by his executors to Jennie Hendershott for $700. Her heir, William Hendershott, sold it to George Winters in 1896. George Winters sold it to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Caldwell. Mr. Caldwell was born in Ireland, came to Geneseo in 1888, and became an employee of Major W. Austin Wadsworth. He retired in 1920 about the time of his wife’s death. After his death in 1940, the house went to his nephew John Thompson.