85 Center Street
Cornerways was planned as a residence for Mrs. Porter Chandler. Mrs. Chandler, the former Mary Wadsworth, had been living at Westerly with her only son, Porter Chandler, Jr. In 1924 he married Gabrielle Chanler of Sweetbriar and in 1926 Mrs. Chandler, Sr. purchased two lots on the northeast corner of Center Street and Highland Road. One of the houses on these lots was demolished; the other was purchased by John Kyle who moved it to its present location on Highland Road where it now serves as the Teresa House hospice. Mrs. Chandler engaged the talented Geneseo architect Robert Sherlock to design a house for her. The contractor, Edward Forbes, began construction in 1927, but Mrs. Chandler died in August of that year, before the house was completed. Following her death there was some thought of converting it to serve as a County Hospital, but certain specifications could not be met and the idea was abandoned.
William P. Wadsworth, who had been living at the Homestead with his widowed mother, married Martha Scofield in 1929. They purchased Cornerways, saw it completed and lived there until his mother’s death in 1943 when they assumed responsibility of the Homestead.
Cornerways was then purchased by Reverdy and Eleanor Wadsworth who lived there until they inherited Hartford House in 1962. Several years after Reverdy Wadsworth’s death in 1970, his widow repurchased Cornerways and again made it her home.
This elegant Federal style house, positioned “cornerways” on a double lot, beautifully landscaped and impeccably maintained, is one of Geneseo’s true landmarks.