37 Second Street
The original part of the house, built about 1830 by Hubbard Turner, was a simple board one. In 1832, he sold it to William Stanley who sold it to Henry F. Hill in 1844. Henry Hill had a hat shop on the east side of Main Street for a number of years. He also had been ordained a minister and about 1853 answered a call to serve a church in South Livonia and gave up his business in Geneseo. Then, John White purchased the house for $1,900. Additions or alterations must have been made at this time, since he sold it to James Norton three years later for $3,000. James Norton was publisher of the Livingston Republican. After his death, his heirs sold the house to Mrs. Mary Hamilton. She died in 1886 and the house was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Huston who moved here from their farm north of the village for the purpose of educating their children. In 1911, they moved back to the farm and sold the house to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tompkinson. Samuel Tompkinson operated a flour mill at the foot of Court Street. This house saw several alterations about 1925, including the addition of stucco and green shingles. Mrs. Eleanor Phraner, the Tompkinson’s daughter became the owner after the death of her parents.