39 Second Street
The house at 39 Second Street has undergone an interesting series of alterations since it was erected about 1830 as a dwelling for Samuel Spencer. The original building is the present front block. Of simple post-Colonial design, it was initially served by a central chimney, still visible in the attic.
Additions were made during the 1860’s, first by George Mercer, an early merchant, and later by Alfred Conkling. The metal roof of a type that became popular in the mid-nineteenth century was undoubtedly added then, as were the many porches. These porches were especially noteworthy. The columns supporting the roof are octagonal with ornate capitals, very likely of local design. At about half height, collars on each column support a series of unique arches, octagonal in cross section and interestingly keyed.
The owners who lived the longest in the house were Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Doty who purchased it in 1867. Mr. Doty, a hardware dealer and brother of Lockwood L. Doty, died in 1875, and Mrs. Doty resided in the home for the remainder of her life. In 1918, according to her will, it passed to her son, Carl, who sold it in the same year to County Treasurer Eugene Wilhelm.