59 Second Street
Peter Miller was born in New Jersey and married Margaret McClellan in 1837. They moved to Geneseo to join his brother-in-law, Charles Vance, in the hardware business. That same year, they built this house, adding on to it a few years later to accommodate a growing family. Mr. Miller died in 1876 and his widow continued living here until her death in 1895. Their two surviving children were Mrs. William Shepard, who was living in Italy, and Mrs. Frank Whipple of Erie, Pennsylvania. They deeded their interest in the house to Mrs. Whipple’s daughter, Marguerite. In 1902, she married E.P. Ward of New York City who gave up his law practice there and moved to Geneseo. They resided in this house for many years. In 1908, a brick wing at the rear was removed and a more “modern” one added. The house was repaired and improved about 1912. After their deaths in 1961, the house was sold by their three daughters to F.D.L. and Barbara Stowe. The Stowes sold it to Mr. and Mrs. John Linfoot who sold it to Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCaffery in 1973.