52 Second Street
This house was built but never occupied by Joseph D. Lewis in 1886. Joseph Lewis was successful in the buying and selling of wool and was also a prominent and popular auctioneer. He and his wife, the former Margaret Donnan of York, lived on Main Street. In 1893, Mr. Lewis sold this Second Street house to Agnes and Mary Ann Donnan, relatives of his wife, for $2,500. Agnes Donnan died in 1906 and in 1908 Mary Ann Donnan sold the house to Fred and Blanche Westfall. Mr. Westfall was employed as a bookkeeper with Beldon Company, the feed and grain dealers. The Genesee Valley National Bank and Trust Company acquired the property in 1940 due to default on mortgage payments. In 1943, Lawrence and Nida Carr purchased the house from the bank. The kitchen and second-story bedroom at the rear are additions to the original structure. At the time these additions were made the old kitchen became the dining room.